Thursday, October 06, 2005


In an attempt to appear more in touch with the scientific community, President Bush announced that he recently read an article in Scientific American about the Butterfly Effect, a complex physics theory which posits that the flapping of a butterfly's wings in Guatemala could ultimately cause a hurricane to occur in another part of the world.

The president said that he was shocked at the news, and is acting quickly to assemble a special task force to kill all the butterflies in Guatemala "to ensure nothing like Katrina ever happens again."


Anonymous said...

I heard that reporters asked him exactly how he would go about this campaign of winged extermination and he replied, "We're gonna smoke'em outta their nests and shine the light o' justis' on'em!"

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE your pro-Bush agenda! I will not fall for this! I will not love Bush as you so obviously do. Mocking him and trying to trick people into feeling sympathy for him - for shame, you crafty devil! You should move down to Texas as you are a damn dirty Republican!

- As unfortunate as it is to still have him in office, I take comfort in the fact it's just now a countdown until he is out.

Brian Kunath said...

All I'm saying is give him a chance!