Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Make sure you vote whenever voting time comes

We all know why Bush introduced an amendment to ban gay marriages. It's not because the spector of state-sanctioned man-on-man commitment threatens our way of life. There are plenty of real threats out there to legitimately worry about: giant terrorist bombs, gianter gas prices, dumb students, a bi-polar economy, Iraq, etc. The real reason for the new amendment is that Bush wanted to introduce a wedge issue that will motivate conservatives to vote in the midterm elections. Whacko, Old Testament conservatives, that is.

The Republican party is in trouble and they have no one to blame but themselves. They pushed Bush into office and backed him on every ridiculous decision with party-line bullshit. Now that his poll numbers suck, Republicans are streaming away from him in droves.

So Bush, in an attempt to mollify his party, retain control of congress and perhaps deliver a few volts to his critically ailing popularity, is serving up an issue that every daytime TV-watching ignoramus can sink his teeth into--gay marriage.

But here's the deal. We can laugh or grumble at his audacity -- his constant pandering to the lowest common demoninator and the cynical opinion the administration must have of us -- but it's going to work. Slack-jawed dopes will emerge over the same hilly path they cleared in 2004 to again vote for a non-issue. Which is why we have to vote. Really. We must get out and ensure this douche-bag trick doesn't bite us in the ass.

So vote. Whenever the elections are. And stuff.



the feeb said...

how about a kunath/levick ticket in 2008?

Anonymous said...

I am looking for my voter's card now.....

Anonymous said...

I have the heart of Dick Cheney for sure!