Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Do you ever feel low after reading about the latest developments in the war in Iraq? Does the threat of terrorism make you anxious? Are you concerned about the economy? Skyrocketing gas prices? Melting ice caps? The mounting national debt? Do you ever feel as though civilization is a fragile, unattended levy that holds back the floodgates of anarchy?

Worst of all, do you suspect that President Bush and his administration are to blame?

It could be that you suffer from a psychological disorder. Luckily, there is help. Bushoxofin(R) is a new antidepressant that unleashes a gentle, scrubbing action deep within your brain to eradicate feelings of fear, repulsion, betrayal and moral outrage -- before they ruin your day. At the same time, it allows sensations of national pride and blind faith (known as the Fox Effect) to wash over you like a warm shower, until nothing you read, see or hear about ever bothers you again. But don't take our word for it. Let's hear from a satisfied customer:

"I used to be critical of the Bush administration's consistent lying, manipulation and transparent greed. But with Bushoxofin, I just don't care. I mean, he's our president. We should just trust his judgement. And if you don't like it, you can always move to France. You fucking baguette-loving pinko."

Understand that there are side effects to taking Bushoxofin. For example, you might walk around in a haze of false euphoria while others around you suffer. You might lose your ability to respond to environmental disasters, social upheaval or blatant lies. A few users reported a compulsion to refer to people as "fucking baguette-loving pinkos." Don't take Bushoxofin if you are pregnant, plan on getting pregnant or are even feeling a little horny. Bushoxofin is highly addictive. In fact, the rural Midwest has been hooked on Bushoxofin since 2000.


Anonymous said...

Brian, I just want to say that I am a proud user of Bushoxofin. This little wonder drug has given me the short-sited-who-cares attitude that I need to get through the day. I mean, the president could sell off alaska for oil profits, appoint Karl Rove as Director of the CIA, expel evolutionary theory from all classrooms and I wouldn't even care! Thanks Bushoxofin!

Anonymous said...

Bushoxofin has really made my boyfriend's tour in Afghanistan easier to bear. I no longer wake up fearing what will happen to him, because whatever does, it's for a good cause. All it takes is one daily dose of Bushoxofin and I'm ready to sit back and wait a few months longer-- with a smile! Thanks Bushoxofin!!