Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Chemical refreshment

Do I look refreshed?

A coworker who shall go unnamed gave me a couple of Ambien yesterday. I took one last night and had a pretty good sleep. It would have been a better sleep, but I had to pee the whole night and was too tired to get up. So I woke up a few times and weighed the benefits of getting up to pee, always deciding against it, then drifted back to chemically facilitated sleep.

So how does this little nightime helper work? I learned on the Web site that it works with GABA, a neurotransmitter that "may" be responsible for "dampening" electrical activity in the brain. It "may" help GABA do its job better, which "may" result in a better night sleep.

I'm here to report that it "may" actually work great. I'll have to give it another try tonight.

I also checked out the side effects on the Web site (having already taken the pill last night). It includes the usual list of headaches and dizziness you expect any time your drug trials include hypochondriacs and woosies, and it also added a few of those ironic side effects that are so entertaining -- like how Ambien may cause drowsiness and daytime sleepiness, the very complaints it's supposed to address.

It also can affect coordination, which I can attest to as I dropped not one but TWO cigarettes on my way to the gym this morning. All in all, though, I feel more energetic today. I think. I won't be sure until I take a couple more. It's sort of like a science experiment.

I wonder what Ambien would be like with a snifter of Knob Creek? Mmmmm. Knob Creek.


Tom Bailey said...

I always wondered who these people were that smoked on the way into the gym. Kind of funny to see.

Brian Kunath said...

Tom Bailey? Of the Thompson Twins?

Mark Feigenson said...

Hope you didn't pee in bed. But I'm sure they have a pill for that too. Unfortunately, it also causes drowsiness. Which makes you pee in bed again. Ah, the irony. The drug companies have it all worked out.

MO'SH said...

Always on the cutting edge of pharmaceutical studies! Hey, it worked fine for Burroughs and Hunter Thompson. Well, maybe not Thompson.

But then again...

Knob Creek. Is that anything like Coos Bay, OR?

psaur said...

I had been sleeping fitfully of late until last night, but it was good old-fashioned Robotripping that did the trick for me...