Saturday, September 30, 2006

Funk Dat!

Bless YouTube. It's fast becoming the resevoir for things often (and sometimes best) forgotten. Like this little ditty from 1993.

Remember this guy? How he seemed so annoyed by even the most ordinary occurences, like getting a phone call? His whole rap is just a list of cranky complaints. So funny.


Jon Clarke said...

I was trying to explain this song to renee five years ago. Even Napster couldn't find it.

Anonymous said...

Awwwww Yeah!!!!! This is an excellent find my friend. I remember reminiscing about this grand ol' ditty.

MO'SH said...

I have absolutely no recollection of either the song or video. Is this just one of those crazy Play Cole Productions? The vocals sounds suspiciously Kunath-like.

psaur said...

I only remember it from Beavis and Butthead. In fact, the only thing I remember about the early 90's is Beavis and Butthead.

Anonymous said...


I remember Jon getting more excited and shocked that I had not heard this...then I did and the hype did not live up to its obserdity!

Good to see you are keeping the blog alive!!